We are a Bolivian firm of professional services oriented to provide solutions in Customs, National, Autonomous and Municipal Taxes, Transfer Prices, Financial Administration, Outsourcing, Consulting and Legal Services, offering a technical, legal, commercial, corporate and integral tax legal advice. , specialized and with national and international experience.
In Bolivia we have a decade of experience in the market, with offices in Santa Cruz, La Paz, Cochabamba and Sucre, with a team of consultants, consultants and corporate, business and tax auditors, to provide a quality service with efficiency, experience and innovation.
Globally we are members of Kreston International, specialists in Counseling & Auditing with presence in five continents, more than 108 countries with 700 offices and more than 20,000 professionals around the world, guaranteeing our clients comprehensive coverage at an international level.
We provide services with the highest quality standards, being certified with ISO 9001: 2015 by IBNORCA.

Provide innovative Technical-Legal Advice services.OUR MISION
Provide technical and innovative Legal Advice Services of excellence for the satisfaction of our clients.
Lead Business, Corporate andTax Advice.
Lead the Corporate, Tax and Corporate Advice in the country and the region.
Innovation, Overcoming, Knowledge, and Excellence.OUR VALUES
Warmth, Innovation, Overcoming, Knowledge, Ethics, Transparency, Integrity, Commitment and Excellence.
Our founding partners formed part of the Drafting Commissions of the 1990 Law, General of Customs and Law 2492 and 3092 of the current Bolivian Tax Code, providing knowledge and achieving a successful experience in Legal Technical interpretation for more than a decade with resolved cases before the Tax Administration, instances of administrative and judicial tax challenge, as well as in the Constitutional Court of Bolivia for the benefit of our clients.

We have a multidisciplinary technical-legal team of professionals of the highest level of experience composed of lawyers, auditors, accountants, economists, engineers and business managers specialized in various areas of practice, which is constantly innovating through the search for solutions , best practices and global trends in the development of their functions.

Dr. Rafael Vergara Sandóval
Principal Director
“The probability of losing in the fight should not dissuade us from supporting a cause that we believe is just”
-Abraham Lincoln-
Dr. Rafael Vergara Sandóval
Principal Director
“The probability of losing in the fight should not dissuade us from supporting a cause that we believe is just”
-Abraham Lincoln-
At Vergara & Asociados we have the necessary tools to practice the profession with the highest quality and dedication.
Acquire yours in our offices or Contact Us